Owen, Alex, and Justin opening presents.
Owen, Alex, and Justin opening presents.
Owen, Alex, Rachel, and Justin opening presents.
Owen, Alex, Rachel, ..in opening presents.
Alex with his garbage truck!
Alex with his garbage truck!
Owen and Alex opening presents.
Owen and Alex opening presents.
Buckets of bears for the kids.
Buckets of bears for the kids.
Christmas tree with presents.
Christmas tree with presents.
Owen with his bat copter.
Owen with his bat copter.
Owen with his dinosaur webkinz.
Owen with his dinosaur webkinz.
Justin passing out the buckets.
Justin passing out the buckets.
Just with his new apron.
Just with his new apron.
Mom and Dad opening presents.
Mom and Dad opening presents.
Mom and dad laughing about their presents.
Mom and dad laughing about their presents.
Mom and dad opening their presents.
Mom and dad opening their presents.
Mom's new jewelry box.
Mom's new jewelry box.
Justin excited about his power ranger cup!
Justin excited about his power ranger cup!
Justin opening his power rangers cup.
Justin opening his power rangers cup.
Pictures on front of mom's new jewelry box.
Pictures on front of..m's new jewelry box.
Mom's new jewelry box.
Mom's new jewelry box.
Mom and dad with their grandchildren, Alex, Justin, Rachel, and Alex.
Mom and dad with the..n, Rachel, and Alex.
Mom and Dad with their grandchildren, Alex, Justin, Rachel, and Owen.
Mom and Dad with the..n, Rachel, and Owen.
Mom and dad with their grandchildren, Alex, Justin, Rachel, and Owen.
Mom and dad with the..n, Rachel, and Owen.
Kristi discussing her new pots with Troy, Gary, and Doug.
Kristi discussing he..roy, Gary, and Doug.
Janene posing with the coveted Mr. Clean doll.
Janene posing with t..eted Mr. Clean doll.
Mom and dad with their grandchildren, Alex, Justin, Rachel, and Owen.
Mom and dad with the..n, Rachel, and Owen.
Gifts for us to pick from.
Gifts for us to pick from.
Mom and dad with their grandchildren, Alex, Justin, Rachel, and Owen.
Mom and dad with the..n, Rachel, and Owen.
Janene with the coveted Mr. Clean doll.
Janene with the coveted Mr. Clean doll.
Mom and dad opening presents.
Mom and dad opening presents.
Janene showing the Mr. Clean doll some love. Andy showing his thoughts on that.
Janene showing the M..is thoughts on that.
Gary and Doug.
Gary and Doug.
Mom, Dad, Eric, Scott, and Aimee.
Mom, Dad, Eric, Scott, and Aimee.
Owen and Justin playing.
Owen and Justin playing.
Owen, Justin, and Alex playing.
Owen, Justin, and Alex playing.
Family in front of tree
Justin, Alex, Owen a..in front of the tree