:Mobile Kummer
Owen discovered Gran..und their old house.
Bowling buddies
Pilgrim Alex (11-22-10)
2010-11-25 20.59.41
2010-11-25 20.58.39
2010-11-26 14.40.16
christmas village
Bowling Buddies
Ridiculously large x-mas ornament
I think it fits perfectly.
Alex's new tricked out Nascar bike.
Owen's igloo
Alex and Justin hanging out.
Owen's leprechaun trap.
The birthday boy at school.
Movie night
Alex did this to his..the rest of the day.
Cause Alex is cool like that...
Owen's soccer medal.
The boys' new parakeets, Skippy and Mario.
I made some jam toda..ned out pretty good.
More jam awesome-ness
2011-08-12 08.26.17
Mario and Skippy having a party on their roof deck.
2011-08-28 13.42.37
Owen and Alex ready to head to their first day of 1st and 2nd grades.
2011-09-06 08.07.37
Owen in his classroom.
2011-09-06 08.23.20
Alex next to his locker.
2011-09-06 08.20.28
Owen doesn't have to share a locker this year. He thinks that's pretty cool.
2011-09-06 08.22.13
Super Mario Brothers
2011-09-06 08.08.06
Getting ready to walk into school.
2011-09-06 08.17.40
Alex made a sailboat.. his Halloween Oreo.
The boys liked the c.. them for his room.
Pilgrim Alex doing his homework.
:Mobile Kummer
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on Thu May 18 21:38:33 2017